5th Grade Reading Fluency Passages: 11 Books For G5 Students

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5th-grade reading fluency passages are a great place to start for students struggling with literacy. Reading fluency passages should be used to improve reading and writing skills. Students can practice reading the text aloud multiple times.

What’s more…

This will help them develop their speech skills by working on the production of speech sounds and pronunciation, their vocabulary by learning new words, and their comprehension skills through a guided analysis of each sentence. There is no better way for students to improve their literacy than with these great texts.

This blog post provides you with 11 5th-grade reading passages to give you and your students an easy way to practice reading fluency.

1. Rowdy Reindeer Fluency

5th grader reading a book

The Rowdy Reindeer is a fun retelling of the classic story, Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

As you read this passage to your class, you will notice that the words are short and easy to read.

It also includes a few sight words such as “where” and “are.” The passage has a predictable pattern filled with rhyming words that students will love.

Students are especially going to enjoy this story because of the animal sounds. After reading it, you could ask them to count how many animal sounds were made and discuss what was shared in each group of words. They will love the reindeer’s laugh, and when they start to read the passage, they will be able to hear the animals talking.

2. Aladdin’s Magic Lamp Fluency

alladin and the magic lamp image

In this short 5th grade reading passage, the student has an excellent opportunity to practice reading fluency. The words are simple and predictable, consisting of primarily low-frequency words. Several words are repeated throughout the passage, giving students a great chance to develop their oral fluency.

After reading the passage, students can discuss the similarities between this story and The 3 Little Pigs. They will notice that both stories have pigs and wolves as characters with similar characteristics. They can talk about whether they think the wolf in Aladdin’s story is mean or nice and why they think that is or isn’t true.

3. The Three Billy Goats Gruff Fluency

the story of three billy goats gruff

The Three Billy Goats Gruff is another classic fairy tale filled with high-frequency words and as the main idea, which makes it an excellent story for practicing reading fluency.

It is also a great opportunity for students to practice their speech sounds and pronunciation.

Students can work on vocabulary words while they are reading to them or on sight words. Before reading the passage, have them form a caption for what they see and write it in their books. Once grade level students are finished with the reading, they can read their captions to each other as a class.

4. Polly’s First Day of School Fluency 2

two students reading with laptop on table

In this second fluency activity, you will read from Polly’s perspective about her first school day. This is a lot more fun to read than most 5th grade reading fluency passages because they are written by an adult and include plenty of adjectives.

Students will enjoy repeating the sentences in different ways while striving to improve their reading fluency.

You will notice that this 5th grade level passage is very easy to read because it does not contain many high-frequency words and has the main idea.

This makes it an excellent opportunity for students to work on their reading fluency worksheets. Before reading, students can talk about why they think Polly ran out of the door so quickly and what they think she will do when she gets to school.

5. A Walk Through the Woods Fluency

This fluency passage centers around a boy named Jacky who goes on a walk through his woods with his dog, Chicken, every morning and evening before he goes to school. He has to take Chicken on his walk because he is afraid that Chicken will run away if he doesn’t.

The passage ends with an excellent opportunity for students to practice their 5th grade reading fluency.

They can work on their fluency skills by predicting what they think Jacky and Chicken will do next.

Before reading, they can think about the meaning of this sentence: “I told him that I would take care of him until he was ready to play, and then I would let him out.”

6. Little Red Riding Hood Fluency

This beautiful little story takes place in the woods as the main idea. There are several high-frequency words essential for practicing fluency in reading, including “candy,” “afternoon,” and “branch.”

At the end of the story, you can have your students write what they think Little Red will do after eating all of that candy and end up being fluent readers. They can also work on predicting what Little Red will do next by talking about other fairy tales they have read.

7. The Gingerbread Man Fluency

This 5th grade reading fluency passage tells the story of a wicked woman named Mrs. Fox who kills a mother with her son. She then makes gingerbread from her son’s body and gives it to her good neighbor, Mr. Snarlington.

The Gingerbread Man comes alive to rescue his mother from Mrs. Fox’s house and save Mr. Snarlington from being eaten by her cats and dogs.

Students are going to love this story for any reason and its main idea. They will enjoy high-frequency words such as “ran,” “door,” “thought,” and “children.” After reading this passage, students can talk about why they think Mrs. Fox killed her son.

They will also be able to talk about how Gingerbread Man saved his mother and Mr. Snarlington from a gruesome fate.

You can also place a bracket around the last word read within the one minute time frame.

8. The Dog That Would Not Be Quiet Fluency 2

This is another excellent fluency passage to use with the students in your classroom struggling with reading fluency.

It contains very simple words with few exceptions.

Making it easy for them to read aloud without stumbling or rushing their words.

After close reading the passage, you can have your students brainstorm different adjectives that they think describe the dog. They can discuss how they know these words are adjectives and why they feel early readers should be able to predict what comes next.

9. The Ugly Duckling Fluency

In this short story, a family of ducks finds a newborn duck who is not like their other children because he looks different from them. The duck struggles with his looks and how he fits in until one day when he grows up develops beautiful feathers and becomes something special.

Students will love this fluency passage because it contains simple sentences with only a few uncommon words such as “amazing” and “special.”

10. The Dove That Would Not Be Bought Fluency 2

This is another excellent passage for students struggling with reading fluency. This one doesn’t contain very many high to low-frequency words, but it does contain the word “dove.”

Before reading this story, have students brainstorm adjectives describing what the dove looks like. They should be able to predict what happens next in this story because they will have thought about the word “dove” before reading.

11. Seven Little Monkeys Fluency

In this 5th-grade reading passage for fluency, students will read about a monkey who has been permitted to go everywhere with his friends. Before reading, have students discuss which of their classmates would enjoy close reading this story. They can also think of different names for the monkey and write them down on the board.

After reading the story, discuss which parts were interesting for you and why. Students can use their predictions to determine what happens next in this short story.

This extensive collection of reading fluency worksheets is packed with resources for children in grades Pre-K through 5. It includes reading logs, endurance charts, information on finding books, comprehension activities, and much more. Each 5th-grade level reading passage is followed by comprehension questions.

Jump In: You can add more interest to your 5th graders’ activities by giving them books that will heighten their reading fluency. Check these out by visiting my article here — Best 5th Grade Books.


5th grade reading fluency passages can be beneficial for students in a variety of ways. Not only will students increase their reading speed and accuracy, but they will also become more familiar with the language that is used in their grade level.

This blog post has provided you with 11 5th-grade reading fluency passages that you can easily incorporate into your daily lessons.

Last Updated on October 16, 2023 by Emily

Emily/ author of the article

Emily is an active mother of two and a dedicated elementary school teacher. She believes the latest technology has made a huge impact on the quality of early learning and has worked hard to upgrade her classroom and her own children’s learning experience through technology.

Follow her on Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram for more teaching fun!

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