Professional Development Courses
Hey, there fellow teachers! Are you looking for new opportunities for professional development? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
We all know that to keep up in the classroom, we need to regularly refresh our skills. Things are changing all the time, and the only way to learn new competencies is by taking off our teacher hats and stepping into the role of student. Whether you’re looking to learn about new technology or hot new philosophies of learning, there are tons of classes out there to keep your teaching fresh.
Learning new things isn’t just important for keeping our students engaged; it’s also important for our own career development. No one wants to keep doing the same thing year after year; if you’re ready to grow your career and take those next steps, you need to jump on the professional development bandwagon!
If you Google “professional development for teachers,” you’ll get over 720,000,000 results. 720,000,000!!! Looking at all these choices, you may be too overwhelmed to take the first step, which is choosing the right courses. Luckily for you, I’m going to do the work for you! I’ve done some research and found 8 fantastic options for professional development. Check out these great courses below, and always keep an eye out for future posts with even more terrific courses!
1. Online TEFL Certification Programs
English language learners are becoming a bigger and bigger presence in our classrooms. According to one study, in 2017 there were over 5 million students in the United States who were learning English as a second language. And that number keeps going up! Learning to support students whose first language isn’t English is a crucial part of every teacher’s professional development, and if your college teaching program was anything like mine, instruction on this topic was seriously lacking.
My Top Pick
Teaching EFL/ESL Reading: A Task Based Approach (Coursera)
You will learn:
- What a task-based approach to teaching language is
- How TBLT and teaching reading are connected
- How to create task-based materials to use for instruction
- How to select texts for reading instruction that can be used alongside tasks
- Some of the issues associated with teaching reading to English language learners
Coursera is a powerhouse of online education. Their courses are optimized for virtual learning, so you know that you’re getting the best experience. However, if you want to explore even more TEFL courses, check out this great article on the best online TEFL certification programs.
2. TESOL Certification Online Programs
If you’re looking for an even deeper understanding of English language learning, a TESOL certification might be the path for you. This course from Coursera is a great option for learning more about teaching English as a second language. In this course, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the theories and practices of teaching students a second language. This course contains material for teaching students to properly speak and understand English while still maintaining control of your classroom’s regularly scheduled activities.
My Top Pick
TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now! Specialization (Coursera)
You will learn:
- How to design lesson plans to meet the needs of English language learners
- Ways to teach and assess speaking, pronunciation, and listening
- Classroom management strategies
- How to select appropriate materials to use for instruction
Check out this article on the best TESOL programs to learn about other great options for TESOL learning.
3. Early Childhood Education Certificate Online Courses & Bachelor Programs
During childhood, a kid’s brain and body is constantly changing! If teaching elementary age students is your specialty, it’s important to understand exactly how a child’s brain functions and develops.
My Top Pick
Understanding Child Development: From Synapse to Society (Coursera)
You will learn:
- How children’s brains and motor functions develop
- How children develop their cognitive skills and the ways these skills influence their actions and behaviors
- About the development of language skills in young children
- How children develop socially and emotionally
- How to look at each piece of a child’s development to see a larger picture of them as a whole
If you’re interested in learning even more about early childhood education, check out this great article on certification courses and Bachelor programs.
4. 7 Best Online Blended Learning Courses for Teachers
Every student is different, and teaching a classroom full of unique students can be a challenge. This is where blended learning comes in.
My Top Pick
Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students (Coursera)
You will learn:
- How to help students transition from traditional instruction to blended learning
- The teacher’s job in a blended learning classroom
- Potential challenges and possible solutions to blended learning
- Different options to consider when selecting hardware and software to use with blended learning
- How to begin planning for blended learning instruction
Blended learning is a fascinating and fruitful topic. To explore even more courses, read this article!
5. 15 Best Online SEL Trainings for Teachers
In recent decades, it has become more apparent that the social and emotional development of students is key to their academic performance and overall wellbeing throughout their lives. However, not many schools give teachers adequate training or support for developing students in these areas.
My Top Pick
The Teacher and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) Specialization (Coursera)
You will learn:
- techniques to evaluate your own social and emotional wellbeing
- the history of SEL in K-12 schools
- the impact of social and political systems on students’ social and emotional wellbeing
- methods for creating an SEL program
- best practices for developing your own SEL curriculum
To explore more great courses on social and emotional learning, check out this helpful article.
6. 14 Best Special Education Online Courses for Teachers
Social, emotional, and mental health are all important when it comes to learning. However, not all classrooms cater to these special needs.
My Top Pick
Providing Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Special Education Services in School (Coursera)
You will learn:
- How schools think about mental health problems
- How at-risk students are identified
- What services are provided for students with disabilities
- How good mental health is promoted in schools
- How treatment differs in the school setting compared to a medical setting
If you’re interested in learning even more about mental and health special education in the classroom, this article provides a useful summary of other great special education courses you can check out.
7. 14 Best Classroom Management Online Courses
Anyone who’s spent time with a young child knows that keeping them in line can be exhausting! Real skills for managing a classroom are rarely taught in teacher preparation programs, so the strategies in this course can be a real lifesaver!
My Top Pick
Classroom Management for Young Learners (Udemy)
You will learn:
- How to create rules and set boundaries
- How to follow through with what you tell students
- Gaining student buy-in through politeness and manners
- How to give directions that are clear and concise for younger learners
- How to ensure that your lessons reach all the learners in your classroom
This article details even more courses to help you manage your classroom like a pro!
8. 12 Best 3D Printing Courses for Teachers
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably noticed over the last few years that our students are becoming digital natives; they’re practically born with technology in their hands! This can feel daunting, but one of the best ways to keep them engaged is by meeting them where they are and bringing technology into the classroom. These awesome courses will give you a great start by teaching you all about 3D printing.
My Top Pick
The 3D Printing Revolution (Coursera)
You will learn:
- What 3D printing is
- How a 3D printer works
- Different types of objects that can be made with a 3D printer
- How to create your own designs for a 3D printer
- The potential 3D printing has to change our economy and business as we know it
If you want to be the teacher with all the coolest tech, check out this fabulous article for even more great courses on incorporating 3D printing into your classroom.
Final Thoughts
As teachers, we often tell our students that we want them to become lifelong learners; why should we be any different? If we want to keep our students learning, we need to keep up with the latest trends in education and technology. Plus, learning new skills can help you make teaching fun again! Explore the courses I talked about above, and check back regularly for even more awesome professional development opportunities!