11 Fun 1st Grade Reading Comprehension Activities (& Games)
1st grade reading comprehension activities
As a 1st grade teacher, you know that one of the most important things you can do for your students is to help them develop strong reading comprehension
17 Fun 1st Grade Read Alouds (Interactive Options)
1st grade read alouds
Read-aloud time is one of the best times of the day in first grade! It’s a time when we can all relax, cuddle up with a good book,
50 Engaging 6th Grade Writing Prompts for Thoughtful Essays
6th grade writing prompts
Sixth grade marks a big transition in students’ lives. They’re no longer little kids, but they’re not quite teens either–that’s what middle school is all about. To help
11 Fun 6th Grade Reading Comprehension Activities (& Games)
6th grade reading comprehension activities
When it comes to 6th-grade reading comprehension activities, it’s essential to find ways to keep your students engaged. After all, reading comprehension skills are one of the most
20 Must-Read 8th Grade Poems Your Students Will Love
8th grade poems
As English teachers, we want to find ways to engage our middle school kids, and a rich discussion is a great way to do that. Start your class